十大赌博正规平台在线 演艺中心 (PAC) is one of several places 在十大赌博正规平台在线 that can give visitors a glimpse into 如何 艺术在校园里蓬勃发展. Located on Robinson Road, every part of the PAC, from the stage to the lush green lawn, offers opportunities for innovative theatrical and musical performances. 为 对很多人来说,这里就像第二个家. 

为 the last 20 years, the Aquinas PAC has been home to not only productions by the 十大赌博登录官网戏剧系,但也 圆剧场天主教中学. In a collaboration unlike any in the country, these theatre organizations share space, support one another, remind audiences of just 如何 impactful theatre can be. 

An actor points at another actor in a dramatic red mask

“It has a much higher rate of use than most other spaces I know of in town,” said 斯科特·哈曼, Director of 的atre Production 在十大赌博正规平台在线. “总是有事情发生 发生了.”

When Aquinas 的atre’s programs wind down for the summer break, 圆剧场’s season begins ramping up, with musicals and plays from the high schools scheduled throughout 今年.  Lynne-Browne Tepper, the Executive & Artistic Director at 圆剧场, has worked in the PAC since its opening in 2003 and finds new reasons to love the organization’s home on Aquinas’ campus every summer season. 

“It's not unusual for me to walk up any night that we have a concert or s如何 and see people on the lawn having picnics,” said Brown-Tepper. “这是其中一件事 make us unique—we're on this beautiful campus.”

Another feature of the space that everyone loves is the thrust stage, surrounded on three sides by 410 seats that are sharply inclined to keep even the back rows close 对于演出. 的re is not a bad seat in the house when the performers are enveloped 由观众提供.

Several actors in various fairytale costumes line one side of the table, striking poses in blue light on the stage

“With other stages, you have 一个电影 theatre view,” said Kelsey Edwards, Technical Director for both 十大赌博正规平台在线 and 圆剧场. “在这个阶段,你会得到一个 非常亲密的感觉. You’re immersed into the s如何 rather than watching it like 一个电影.

的 collaboration between 十大赌博正规平台在线, 圆剧场, 和 secondary schools goes much deeper than just sharing a location. Some Aquinas students go on to do internships or act in s如何s with 圆剧场. Some Aquinas students attended the Catholic secondary schools that perform at the PAC. And some have been a part of s如何s for all three 组.

“In one of the back hallways where a lot of props are stored, they'll paint a little block on the wall for that s如何,” said 斯科特·哈曼, Director of 的atre Production 在十大赌博正规平台在线. “的re’s a lot of old names there that have moved from one place 下一个.”

Brick wall with writing and art drawn across it representing s如何s past

Brown-Tepper is grateful for the talented and dedicated students Aquinas is able to send her way as interns, actors, more.

“的y’re so prepared,” said Brown-Tepper. “I just feel like the students coming out of Aquinas have an understanding not just as a performer on stage but also backstage and about all the technical elements. 的ir students really hit the ground running 马上就开始.”

为 Harman, the experience students receive as Aquinas students is essential, but he wants students to leave with a deep appreciation of the role theatre plays in a 社区.

“Hopefully all of our students are thinking about the arts, not just as entertainment, but as a kind of civic ritual,” said Harman. “的atre is a place where people come together to hear stories about what's important to them. 我喜欢以这个想法为基础 of the 演艺中心 as more of a cultural commons.”

Actors in clothes that look like white togas pose dramatically at the end of a pool of water.

十大赌博正规平台在线至今仍有 这一季的几场演出. Student-directed one-act plays will run at 7:30 p.m. 12月7日至9日,下午2:30 p.m. 12月10日演出. In February, AQ 的atre will perform 丽齐, a rock musical about the 19th-century woman accused of murdering her mother and father, in April, the play Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane, a storybook come to life about a lost porcelain rabbit.

圆圈剧院的夏季演出 will kick off with a concert in April before 嘀嗒,嘀嗒…嘣!  byJonathan Larsen是 租金! 它将于5月开始运行. 嘀嗒,嘀嗒…嘣! is an autobiographical musical recently made into a Netflix movie starring Andrew 加菲尔德. 其他节目包括 太阳下的葡萄干, 巨蟒剧团的Spamalot, 音乐剧《十大赌博正规平台在线》!

As Professor 斯科特·哈曼 said, there’s always something happening at the Aquinas 演艺中心. You can see what s如何s are coming up by checking the PAC网页, which has links to both Aquinas 的atre and 圆剧场’s ticket sales.