Joan Sabourin (1966, 化学)

1966年毕业于十大赌博登录官网化学学院的琼·萨波林(Joan Sabourin)被提名为2016届ACS毕业生 Fellows by the American 化学ical Society. ACS研究员计划由ACS董事会于2008年12月创建 表彰美国化学学会在以下方面的杰出成就和贡献 science, the profession and the Society.

Lindsay Armstrong (2016, 化学)

photo of a student  大学肄业生uate Research

 Studies on "Under Air" Direct Arylation
Dr. Jonathan Fritz
 Project/地点: 2014年夏季十大赌博登录官网莫勒汤普森研究项目,十大赌博正规平台在线

 顾问: Dr. Jonathan Fritz
 Project/地点: Aquinas 化学 Capstone Research Project, Aquinas College

Current Position


Student Comments on the Aquinas 化学 Program

“我们有一群优秀的教师,他们在每个学生身上投入了时间,并且真的想要 to see them succeed.”

Nina Diklich (2016, 化学 and Mathematics)

photo of a student  大学肄业生uate Research

 水溶液中二氧化硅纳米颗粒吸附牛血清白蛋白:pH的影响 纳米粒子-蛋白质界面的大小和Zeta电位
 顾问: Dr. 维姬H. Grassian
 Project/地点: 本科生研究经验(REU)在爱荷华大学纳米科学 and Nanotechnology Institute (NNI)

膦配体在反应性中的作用的计算研究 Direct Arylation
顾问: Dr. Li-Heng Chen and Dr. Jonathan Fritz
Project/地点: Aquinas 化学 Capstone Research Project, Aquinas College

大学肄业生uate Internships/Positions

CO-OP/Intern with Aptar集团, Inc. from 2012 to 2016
顾问: Reiker Canfield, Jon Werner, Amy Molloy, and David Kanter
地点: 卡里,

美国化学会(ACS)在联合框架的学生代表 2014年气候变化公约(UNFCCC)第20次缔约方会议(COP20) and 21 st Conference of Parties (COP21) in 2015
顾问: Dr. Keith Peterman and Dr. 格雷戈里·福伊
地点: Paris France, Lima Peru, and Washington D.C.

Current Position

Aptar集团 Inc. in Supply Chain Purchasing and Marketing

Student Comments on the Aquinas 化学 Program

“在十大赌博正规平台在线化学系的时候,我一直觉得自己是同步的 pushed to do my best, yet supported by those around me. The professors genuinely cared 关于我的教育和我四年来的幸福,他们不断地 encouraged me to work harder. Aquinas also exposed me to amazing experiences outside the classroom that would not have been possible otherwise. The supportive and familiar 系里的环境让我成为了一个更好的化学家,一个更好的人.”

Samantha Houchlei (2016, 化学)

photo of a student  大学肄业生uate Research and 化学 Related Positions

 Laboratory Technician
主管: Scott VanWeezel
 地点: Autocam Automotive, Grand Rapids, MI

用差示扫描法建立共晶混合物的相图 Calorimetry: A Physical 化学 Lab
顾问: Dr. Elizabeth Jensen
Project/地点: Aquinas 化学 Capstone Research Project, Aquinas College

Current Position

“我是密歇根陆军国民警卫队的儿童和青年项目协调员. In short this means [we] put on programs (i.e. camps, science fairs, and training) for the kids of military members throughout the state. “

Student Comments on the Aquinas 化学 Program

“化学系教会我的社交技巧和职业道德造就了我 a better person and showed me how to be successful. The most important thing I learned 从我的教授那里学到的是如何在失败或挫折的情况下适应和克服. 生活就是这样,每件事都可能不会按照计划进行,但要能够灵活应变 and reevaluate is of the utmost importance.”

Bonus Material

“我们通过十大赌博登录官网化学所做的我最喜欢的事件是化学之战 俱乐部. 这是一个很好的机会,运用我们的化学知识,并有乐趣 other chem majors.”

Nicholas Pierce (2016, 化学)

photo of a student  大学肄业生uate Research and 化学 Related Positions

 Mutagenesis of a TfdA-like enzyme
 顾问: Dr. Timothy Henshaw
 Project/地点: 2014年夏季,十大赌博正规平台在线Mohler-Thompson研究项目

培养复合杂合小鼠研究H19/Igf2基因印迹调控 域
顾问: Dr. Piroska Szabó
Project/地点: 表观遗传研究项目,范安德尔研究所,大急流城,密歇根州

Assistant Research Technician
顾问: Dr. Piroska Szabó
Project/地点: Van Andel Institute, Grand Rapids, MI

Mutagenesis of OXA-207
顾问: Dr. Timothy Henshaw
Project/地点: Aquinas 化学 Capstone Research Project, Aquinas College

Current Position
Job Enthusiast

Student Comments on the Aquinas 化学 Program

“化学系的教师在他们的课堂上支持45分钟的提问 办公时间.”
“Know your movies because Dr. Henshaw will definitely talk about a movie during your time at Aquinas College.”
“The faculty are enthusiastic about 研究. They will support you in any 研究 position (even if it is biology).”
“学化学是最难的事情之一. The Aquinas College chemistry department is very supportive when taking on this challenge.”

Andrew Zahrt (2014, 化学 and Biology)

photo of a student 大学肄业生uate Research

 羧酸配体对直接芳基化区域选择性影响的研究 Reactions by Computation
 顾问: Dr. Li-Heng Chen and Dr. Jonathan Fritz

 顾问: Dr. Jonathan Fritz
Project/地点: Summer 2013 Aquinas Mohler-Thompson Project, Aquinas College 

Current Position
Ph.D. 他在丹麦伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳香槟分校攻读化学专业 集团.

Andy's Comments on the Aquinas 化学 Program

“我真的很喜欢教授们平易近人的态度,以及他们乐于帮助和参与的态度 in in-depth discussions they were. At any time in my day, if I had an idea or question 关于一个特定的话题,我可以在大厅里闲逛,进行45分钟的讨论 about it with an expert in the field. I'm not certain where else I would have that kind of an opportunity. 

“我的建议是利用现有的机会. 不 被动地学习——在课堂之外你会学到更多 in the classroom. 不 limit yourself to the information covered in class. 在那里 is a whole world of information out there waiting; the classroom is just where you become literate enough in the field to understand it. A small environment like Aquinas 是创造机会的完美场所,只是不要害羞,积极地去做你的 学习!”

Marissa Saladin (2014, 化学 and Math)

photo of a student 大学肄业生uate Research

 基于分岔延拓的条件似然在动力学逆建模中的应用 系统 
 地点: 莱曼大学暑期本科生实验数学研究所(SURIEM Briggs College at Michigan State University

 基于结构的烟草蚀刻基质特异性预测模型 Virus Protease

 金属溴化烷基铵液晶物性变化趋势的测定 J. 大学肄业生. 化学. Res. 2014, 13, 26-29.
 顾问: Dr. Elizabeth Jensen

Current Position 
Ph.D. 宾夕法尼亚州立大学马龙切利小组的化学项目.

Marissa’s Comments on the Aquinas 化学 Program
“我最喜欢十大赌博正规平台在线(Aquinas College)化学课程的一点是 support among its members. 化学 can be a challenging major, but I could always turn to my professors. Because of the smaller department, they were almost always free for a quick chat or homework discussion. Additionally, they were extremely encouraging 拓展部门以外的新机会,比如实习和 研究. 在一些规模较大的大学,学生可能会在数百人的院系中迷路 但是十大赌博登录官网大学的化学教授和我一起单独研究 support me in discovering what I wanted out of my education. “

George Van Den Driessche (2013, 化学 and Math)

photo of a student 大学肄业生uate Research and Internships

 利用不同丰度的直接芳基化反应收率的开发与提高 Earth Metals with Various Carboxylic Acid Ligands
 顾问: Dr. Jonathan Fritz
 Project and 地点: Aquinas Senior Research Project, Aquinas College

安利织物柔软剂产品的不同软化技术配方 行 
顾问: Phil Silva and Kara Smith
地点: Amway in Ada, MI

顾问: Dr. Scott Myers and Dr. 凯尔弗朗茨
地点: Georgia State University, BRAIN Fellowship: NeurOp Inc.

Current Position
Ph.D. 在北卡罗莱纳州立大学的研究小组. Elena Jakubikova.

George’s Comments on the Aquinas 化学 Program

“当你开始学习化学时,要做好努力学习的准备. 在那里 is no other way to succeed in this field.” 

“克服对化学老师的恐惧,寻求帮助! The only reason they 可怕是因为他们在推动你成为你所能成为的最好的科学家吗 be!”